[etherlab-users] How to check if all slaves have reached operational state?
Mohsen Alizadeh Noghani
2018-10-04 07:06:55 UTC
Dear EtherLab users,
After activating the master and starting frame exchange, is there a way to
check whether all states have reached operational?
*Additional info:*
Currently, in my code
<https://github.com/mohse-n/L7N_EtherLab/blob/master/simple_test.c>, I just
send empty frames for long enough (trial and error) so that when I exit the
loop, my slaves (servo drives) are in OP state.
I have tried checking the working counter in the loop and exiting from it
after the domain's working counter becomes equal to our expected value.
However, there is still a small delay after that happens and the second
slave reaching operational state.
Ian Prochazka
2018-10-04 21:15:34 UTC
Would user command from OS console give you the answer:

***@xxxxx<mailto:***@xxxxx::~$>::~$<mailto:***@xxxxx::~$> ethercat slaves

The ethercat commands can be used while your application is running. Try 'ethercat --help' for other options

Best regards,


From: etherlab-users [etherlab-users-***@etherlab.org] On Behalf Of Mohsen Alizadeh Noghani [***@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2018 3:06 AM
To: etherlab-***@etherlab.org
Subject: [etherlab-users] How to check if all slaves have reached operational state?

Dear EtherLab users,
After activating the master and starting frame exchange, is there a way to check whether all states have reached operational?
Additional info:
Currently, in my code<https://github.com/mohse-n/L7N_EtherLab/blob/master/simple_test.c>, I just send empty frames for long enough (trial and error) so that when I exit the loop, my slaves (servo drives) are in OP state.
I have tried checking the working counter in the loop and exiting from it after the domain's working counter becomes equal to our expected value. However, there is still a small delay after that happens and the second slave reaching operational state.
Christoph Schroeder
2018-10-05 08:17:50 UTC
Hi Mohsen,

additionally you can use ecrt_slave_config_state in your application. I call this function plus ecrt_master_state and ecrt_domain_state every other second to check the status of the whole setup.

Best regards,

On 10/4/18 11:15 PM, Ian Prochazka wrote:
Would user command from OS console give you the answer:

***@xxxxx<mailto:***@xxxxx::~$>::~$<mailto:***@xxxxx::~$> ethercat slaves

The ethercat commands can be used while your application is running. Try 'ethercat --help' for other options

Best regards,


From: etherlab-users [etherlab-users-***@etherlab.org<mailto:etherlab-users-***@etherlab.org>] On Behalf Of Mohsen Alizadeh Noghani [***@gmail.com<mailto:***@gmail.com>]
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2018 3:06 AM
To: etherlab-***@etherlab.org<mailto:etherlab-***@etherlab.org>
Subject: [etherlab-users] How to check if all slaves have reached operational state?

Dear EtherLab users,
After activating the master and starting frame exchange, is there a way to check whether all states have reached operational?
Additional info:
Currently, in my code<https://github.com/mohse-n/L7N_EtherLab/blob/master/simple_test.c>, I just send empty frames for long enough (trial and error) so that when I exit the loop, my slaves (servo drives) are in OP state.
I have tried checking the working counter in the loop and exiting from it after the domain's working counter becomes equal to our expected value. However, there is still a small delay after that happens and the second slave reaching operational state.

etherlab-users mailing list



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